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How to Involve Grandparents In Back-to-School Activities

As summer draws to a close, most families are preparing their children and teens to head back to school. The flurry of activity this time of year can be tough on a parent’s already busy schedule. In many families, both parents work outside the home. For others, the head of the household is a single parent who works long hours. Both situations can result in families requiring a helping hand to manage daily activities.

In recent years, grandparents have played an increasingly important role in their grandchildren’s lives. They help with tasks that are difficult for a working parent to cover, such as after-school car pool or ferrying kids to and from sports practices and other events. Involving grandparents in back-to-school preparations can help get the new school year off to a great start.

Here are some suggestions for involving the older generation of your family in the process this year.

Ways to Involve Grandparents When Heading Back-to-School

  • Clean out closets: Depending on their age, the clothing kids wore to school last year might not fit any longer. A good project for grandparents is to help grandchildren clean out their closets. This involves figuring out what fits and what doesn’t and deciding what to do with the items no longer needed, such as donating them to a local shelter.
  • Go clothes shopping: While this one might not be something that appeals to the teens and pre-teens, younger grandchildren might enjoy making their back-to-school shopping trip a family affair. Schedule a few hours for grandparents and grandchildren to shop together and maybe go out for lunch.
  • Help organize school supplies: This task is one that can take time to complete at the start of every new year. Once the school supply list is located, have a grandparent help organize what supplies grandchildren already have and create a list of what they need.
  • Attend open house: When grandparents are involved in grandchildren’s transportation and other school activities, it makes sense to introduce them to their teachers. An easy way to do that is to invite grandparents to attend the open houses that usually take place at the beginning of a new school year.
Don’t forget to get grandparents added to the list of people who can pick the kids up from school, and to get a copy of the windshield sign if one is required. Also, review the school’s drop-off/pick-up process together.

Make Time for Some Intergenerational Fun

Finally, don’t forget to make time to enjoy some intergenerational activities together before the days become hectic again. If time and budget permit, schedule a short family vacation to a national park or favorite beach. Even a backyard movie night can be a fun way to end the summer on a happy note!

If you are looking for ways you can all enjoy time together, 6 Activities That Encourage Intergenerational Interaction is a good article to read.
Article By: Sunrise Senior Living

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