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Enjoy Corn Chips In Moderation For Potential Health Benefits

If you've been watching international news for human interest stories, you may have heard about one of the latest trends in Japan - Mountain Dew-flavored corn chips. According to CSP Magazine, the chips not only taste like the soft drink, but also emulate their fizzy quality.

"They certainly won't win any awards for redefining flavor any time soon but they do exactly what they say on the packet by tasting impressively similar to the drink of the same name," wrote one reviewer.

The unconventional snack's emergence is well-timed, occurring mere weeks before National Corn Chip Day, Jan. 29. Although the Mountain Dew-flavored products are not currently available in the U.S., people can still enjoy more traditional versions of the popular snack food. Certain components of corn chips may benefit general well-being and cardiovascular health in particular, which is a common concern among residents of senior living.

Nutritional benefits of corn chips
In addition to being delicious, when it comes to munching, corn chips can be a diet-healthy option when enjoyed in moderation. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, traditional corn chips include three basic ingredients - corn, salt and vegetable oil. Because corn has a low glycemic index, eating the chips shouldn't cause blood sugar to spike, preventing that sudden drop in energy. Additionally, the majority of the fat in the snack is unsaturated - the healthy kind - and a single serving of corn chips can provide people with up to 4 percent of their daily recommended protein intake. Other nutrients you'll receive while munching include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc, which have been linked to improving cardiovascular health.

The downside
Unfortunately, some aspects of corn chips leave more to be desired nutrition-wise. For example, the news source points to the amount of sodium in a serving of the snack, which can account for upward of 10 percent of the daily recommended value for the average adult. Not to mention that a single, 150-calorie serving can include as few as seven chips, so it can be easy to overdo it on the snacking. For this reason, it's important to check ingredient lists and calorie counts before starting to munch. Look for options with few ingredients, low sodium and minimal saturated fat, and portion off a serving size prior to digging in so that you know when to stop.

Article By: Sunrise Senior Living

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